About me

I am a Family Banker.
Do you know what it is?

It means that I help those individuals, families, professionals and entrepreneurs who want to improve the care of their finances through a service of 360° Financial AdviceWe offer an exclusive and totally personalized service, short, medium and long term, with a tailor-made financial planning, covering your objectives and needs based on the circumstances and particularities of each case.

In addition, I call myself an exclusive agent of Banco Mediolanum, which is the formula resulting from the combination of my knowledge, experience and continuous training with all the strategies and financial vehicles of the bank itself.

The key to my role as a Family Banker, thanks to the fact that I am Self-Employed (self-employed), lies in “How can I help you?”, to offer:

Freedom and Flexibility   Availability and Commitment Values and Human Treatment Safety and Peace of Mind   Responsibility and Respect Strategies and Customization


Freedom and Flexibility

to choose which clients I think I can help, paying special social attention, due to my proximity, to the group of elderly, dependent and disabled people, dedicating the time that each one of them needs in each case.

Availability and commitment to meet with my clients any day of the week where it is most convenient for them, mutually acquiring agreements that allow us to commit to the same goal, always based on the objectives and needs of the client.

Values and Human Treatment from minute zero in line with people, which is why we differentiate ourselves from robots and any type of artificial intelligence to humanize personal relationships based on the priorities and particularities of each client.

Safety and Peace of Mind during all my work of accompaniment, follow-up and advice at any stage of our life cycle, goals that can only be achieved by getting to know the client very closely, having at all times a complete picture of their past decisions and their present and future goals.

Responsibility and Respect to always respond for the benefit of the client, because what is good for my client is also good for me, without ever losing focus on what is really important: achieving my client’s goals.

Strategies and Customization through advisory banking, with the best of traditional banking and the best of personal banking, with totally personalized proposals, leaving aside the “coffee with milk for everyone” and taking care of the person I have in front of me with method and criteria…

The sum of all these attributes together with a professional FINANCIAL PLANNING are the final element that clearly mark an ADDED VALUE in all senses.